In England and France he was the square peg in the round hole, but here the holes were any sort of shape, and no sort of peg was quite amiss. 在英国或法国,思特里克兰德可以说是个不合时宜的人,“圆孔里插了个方塞子”,而在这里却有各种形式的孔,什么样子的塞子都能各得其所。
"This constant ratio indicates that the black hole and the bulge affect each others'growth in some sort of interactive relationship," said study team member Dominik Riechers of Caltech. 加利福尼亚理工学院研究小组成员DominikRiechers说道:“这个不变的比例表明黑洞和凸起物以某种相互关系影响着彼此的生长”。
Solving the Exploration Problem of Hole Via Probabilistic Sort Algorithm 空洞探测问题的概率排序算法